What You Learn

  • Introduction to Dynamo: Environment and Node Basics

  • Creating Basic Shapes with Point and Line Nodes

  • Generating Sequential Numbers with Code Block and List Nodes

  • Advanced Shape Creation with Circle, Polygon, and Ellipse Nodes

  • Creating Furniture Forms with Rectangle and Plane Nodes

  • Adding Volume to Shapes with Extrude and Loft Nodes

  • Transforming and Mirroring Shapes with Translate and Mirror Nodes

  • Creating Complex Shapes with Nurb and Polycurve Nodes

  • Advanced Shape Manipulation with Offset and Sweep Nodes

  • Building Tower and Bridge Forms with Advanced Nodes


Course curriculum

    1. 1-Dynamo Usage

    2. 2-Node Usage: Node Graphics

    3. 3-Drawing Shape by Integer

    4. 4-Example

    5. 5-Using Line Node

    6. 6-Generating Consecutive Numbers in Code Block

    7. 7-Example: Creating Form with Parametric Lines (Part 1)

    8. 8-Example: Creating Form with Parametric Lines (Part 2)

    9. 9-Practice

    10. Quiz

    11. Exercise File

    1. 1-Circle by Center Point, List Shuffle, List Create, Circle Through Points Nodes

    2. 2-Practice: Creating Circles as a Peak

    3. 3-Practice: List of Rest Items Node

    4. 4-Regular Polygon, Polygon by Points, Ellipse, Geometry Rotate Nodes

    5. 5-Example: Helix (Part 1)

    6. 6-Example: Helix (Part 2)

    7. 7-Definition of Vector & Plane

    8. 8-Practice: Crating Table Shape (Part 1)

    9. 9-Practice: Crating Table Shape (Part 2)

    10. 10-Adding Volume to Shapes

    11. 11-Practice: Bar Shapes

    12. 12-Solid by Loft, Surface by Loft Nodes

    13. 13-Practice: Spiral form with Rectangular Sections

    14. 14-Geometry Mirror & Translate Nodes

    15. 15- Practice: Drawing the Volume of a Table

    16. 16- Practice: Creating Groups

    17. 17- Nurb by Points, Polycurve by Points, Nurb by Control Points Nodes

    18. 18- Practice: Wavy Shell (Part 1)

    19. 19- Practice: Wavy Shell (Part 2)

    20. 20- Practice: Vertical Parking (Part 1)

    21. 21- Practice: Vertical Parking (Part 2)

    22. Quiz

    1. 1-Explanation of Lacing

    2. 2-Practice: Drawing Line by Lacing

    3. 3-Count and List Flatten Nodes

    4. 4-Practice: Creating Circles with Increasing Radii (Part 1)

    5. 5-Practice: Creating Circles with Increasing Radii (Part 2)

    6. 6-List Transpose Node

    7. 7-Practice: Conical Shapes on a Grid of Lines (Part 1)

    8. 8-Practice: Conical Shapes on a Grid of Lines (Part 2)

    9. 9-Practice: Corridor (Part 1)

    10. 10-Practice: Corridor (Part 2)

    11. 11-Point at Parameter Node

    12. 12-Example

    13. 13-Practicing Nodes

    14. 14-Practice: Creating the Form of a Cable Bridge (Part 1)

    15. 15-Practice: Creating the Form of a Cable Bridge (Part 2)

    16. 16-Using Offset for Curve and Polycurve Lines

    17. 17-Practice: Creating the Form of a Arc Bridge (Part 1)

    18. 18-Practice: Creating the Form of a Arc Bridge (Part 2)

    19. 19-Shift Indicies, Sweep, Plane at Parameter, Circle by Plane Radius, by Patch Node

    20. 20-Practice: Forest Tower (Part 1)

    21. 21-Practice: Forest Tower (Part 2)

    22. 22-Practice: Athens Olympic Sports Complex by Calatrava (Part 1)

    23. 23-Practice: Athens Olympic Sports Complex by Calatrava (Part 2)

    24. Quiz

    1. 1-Using Math Nodes

    2. 2-Curve Start: End point, Fillet Nodes

    3. 3-Practice: Using Previous Nodes

    4. 4-Practice: Tower (Part 1)

    5. 5-Practice: Tower (Part 2)

    6. 6-List Chop, Surface Thicken Nodes

    7. 7-Practice: Straw Bowl

    8. 8-Practice: Mesh Wall (Part 1)

    9. 9-Practice: Mesh Wall (Part 2)

    10. 10-Related List Nodes

    11. 11-Example: Using Related List Nodes (Part 1)

    12. 12-Example: Using Related List Nodes (Part 2)

    13. 13-Practice: Drawing Shapes with the Same Rhythm (Part 1)

    14. 14-Practice: Drawing Shapes with the Same Rhythm (Part 2)

    15. 15-Practice: Lines Diagram (Part 1)

    16. 16-Practice: Lines Diagram (Part 2)

    17. 17-Practice: Shader (Part 1)

    18. 18-Practice: Shader (Part 2)

    19. 19-Scale & Intersect Nodes

    20. 20-Practice: Facade

    21. 21-Practice: Stadium Shell (Part 1)

    22. 22-Practice: Stadium Shell (Part 2)

    23. 23-Practice: Stadium Shell (Part 3)

    24. 24-Practice: Forest Tower + Ramp (Part 1)

    25. 25-Practice: Forest Tower + Ramp (Part 2)

    26. Quiz

    1. 1-Trigonometric Function Nodes

    2. 2-Exercise Explanation

    3. 3-Exercise: Parametric Wavy Line

    4. 4-Exercise Explanation

    5. 5-Exercise: Wavy Curtains

    6. 6-Calculation of Cos,Sin by Using Code Block

    7. 7-Exercise Explanation

    8. 8-Exercise: Creating Waves

    9. 9-Diversification of the Cos,Sin Wave

    10. 10-Exercise

    11. 11-Exercise Explanation

    12. 12-Exercise: Ring

    13. 13-Exercise Explanation

    14. 14-Exercise: Sin & Cos Wave

    15. 15-Exercise Explanation

    16. 16-Wavy Facade

    17. 17-Exercise Explanation

    18. 18-Exercise: Bund Finance Center

    19. 19-Using Remap Range

    20. 20-Creating a Non-Uniform Rhythm with Sin

    21. 21-Exercise

    22. 22-Exercise Explanation

    23. 23-Exercise: Spiral Tower

    24. 24-Tools (List Cycle, List Repeat, ...)

    25. 25-Comparison of List Create and List Join

    26. 26-Exercise Explanation

    27. 27-Exercise: Spiral Tower 2

    28. 28-Exercise Explanation

    29. 29-Exercise: Twisted Blades

    30. 30-Trim & Point x,,y,z Nodes

    31. 31-Exercise Explanation

    32. 32-Exercise: Wavy Shell

    33. 33-Exercise: Wavy Surface by Using Formula

    34. 34-Exercise Explanation

    35. 35-Wavy Shaders

    1. 1-Surface.PointAt Parameter Node

    2. 2-Select Model Node

    3. 3-Arc by Center & Tangant Node

    4. 4-Practice: Pavion (Part 1)

    5. 5-Practice: Pavion (Part 2)

    6. 6-Practice: Pavion (Part 3)

    7. 7-Practice: Pavion (Part 4)

    8. 8-Level in Different Nodes

    9. 9-Example of Level

    10. 10-Practice: Wavy Stripes

    11. 11-Exercise Explanation

    12. 12-Exercise: Tower

    13. 13-Exercise Explanation

    14. 14-Exercise: Mesh Shell (Part 1)

    15. 15-Exercise: Mesh Shell (Part 2)

    16. 16-Get Isoline Node

    17. 17-Practice

    18. 18-Exercise Explanation

    19. 19-Exercise: Staircase

    20. 20-Exercise Explanation

    21. 21-Exercise: Elliptical Path

    22. 22-Exercise Explanation

    23. 23-Exercise: Vadegio

    24. 24-Explode & Perimeter Node

    25. 25-Practice

    26. 26-Exercise Explanation

    27. 27-Exercise: Stadium

    28. 28-Distance Node

    29. 29-Practice

    30. 30-Practice

    31. 31-Exercise Explanation

    32. 32-Exercise: 2 Point

    33. 33-Exercise: Attract Line

    34. 34-Angle Node

    35. 35-Exercise Explanation

    36. 36-Exercise: Wavy Shaders

About this course

  • €30,00
  • 154 lessons
  • 28 hours of video content


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Master Dynamo for impactful building design. Enroll now to create, innovate, and elevate your skills